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OUT NOW , "Always Invincible"

                                      by Freackxy

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New SONG available on Ununpentium Sessions30

"We don't care".

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New Freackxy mixes on Mixupload
Want to hear the latest mixes, ozone?
Check out Mixupload, where you can listen and share your love for the artist. See you there!
Freackxy's on TOP

 In her most recent update, Freackxy has reached #6 on the Global Dance Pop chart and Global Pop chart. This happened on Mixupload website with her mix ozone-1. Also, ozone-2 reached #9 position on these charts.                




A masterpiece remastered
Just when you thought it couldn't get better, Kurt shows up with a brand new work that had us dancing on the go. The favorited "Breakbeat Hills" has won the hearts of many EDM enthusiasts in the past. Right now, in August 2020, Kurt releases the remastered version of it, with higher quality sounds and better effects.
It's easy to get a copy right from our OneFitMusic Store. Come check it out!

Lyrics translations are out and official!
Freackxy has translated all of her lyrics into Romanian.
Tough she sings in English most of the time, her heart is with her homeland. You can read the translations online. Oh, and let's not forget. Our worldwide fans get something nice too! "Caderea lui Icarus" has been translated to English! Now we can all enjoy a well sang story

An Rnb inspired Song: The latest collab between Kurt-Thee-Inducer and Freackxy comes as a shock.

"This song is about friendship, loss, decisions and changes. It brings out what the classic RnB used to stand for" (Paula Dima, co-lyricist). In this song, an unexpected turn of events: We hear Kurt singing too and singing along with her. Wow, what a surprise! You can hear this song and more from the album "Our Trance Within", released just today

Wild Flower, by Misela.  Strength can be found in the most fragile hearts.

A woman's heart can make her voice be stronger then any other weapon. This is the song that speaks to you and just makes you want to sing along. Juicy Post right here: We hear that though Paula made the lyrics, she did not want to be featured in the song. Misela was excited to have her first ever Solo Track by herself at OneFitMusic. "I just loved the lyrics when I saw them and I knew I could sing them with using high notes. I could relate to this song very much" (Mihaela Plesca). 

Vocals by Misela, Lyrics by Paula Dima.

           Prima Melodie  Freackxy ft Misela- Vesti Noi    

Melodia scrisă în limba română pentru prima oară de către Freackxy creează din nou zgomot în lumea muzicală. De la inițiala prezentare a începerii colaborării fetelor, cele două nu au stat locului un minut. 

Avem vești că au făcut plimbări, s-au întâlnit în orașul natal al Mihaelei Pleșca și au petrecut momente împreună foarte distractive, în urmă înregistrărilor.



The Air Up Here, by Kurt-Thee-Inducer

a brand new banger. 

Always surprising, Kurt-Thee Inducer makes waves with the new electronic sound of the future.  You can buy the track at our OFM Store  Kurt had two outstanding releases at the same time. We hardly could keep up with this all-creative producer.

New OFM Artist: Misela!

Read all about the singer that had our standing ovation. 


Listen to Freackxy on

MTV and VH1!


LiSTEN TO THE CHARTED NB 1 Electronica Artist in Bucharest, Romania- Freackxy!!!!!!!!!

Band members:

Paula Dima- vocals.


Keep on charting! We're going for higher and higher places!








 TRANCE "Don't be afraid",           Paula Dima & Airbase, on          Electric Star-06!        


Now out :

Eos (Andromeda Edition)

On 14th April 2015

Chek out the latest tracks released and easy to buy on SoundCloud official page.


New song on UNUNPENTIUM SESSIONS, april 16th, 2015. 

Listen to the NEW release on Mixcloud:



The Rambling Band Announces WorldWide availability


You've got the Green Light!!!!Our Electronic Music is now available worldwide. At least 75 new people listen to our music evry 10 hours.


Get Ready for the Electric Love Music Festival in Salzbubring, 2015

Get the APP on your mobile device!!!

Comming up soon, the best Djs and artists to play on the greatest stages in Romania, on 

Electric Castle Festival.

Misela si Freackxy, impreuna sarbatoresc
Caderea lui Icarus Fragment OficialFreackxy ft. Misela
00:00 / 00:37
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Freackxy's popularity is increasingly growing larger. Trying out a new Social Media app, this celebrity's selfie photo received 10.000 likes and has been viewed by 25.000 people. Should we mention the comments received? Not even necessary.

This stunning artist impresses through her style. Not only in music, but in looks too.


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